I am reproducing the following information here because this text contains some thoughts that ring true about courage. One cannot accomplish anything whatsoever without courage but courage needs encouragement and love. We can provide that for each other.
Courage isn't having the strength to go on - it is going on when you don't have strength.
The original link is here.
COURAGE: Threshold To Coherence
Posted on March 28, 2020 by ourgreaterdestiny
Everything is energy, frequency, and vibration referred to by physicists as fundamental electromagnetic quantum energy, and by sages as the One True Creator, God, Spirit, Other Names.
Each basic element of the known atomic chart consists of energy at different frequencies of vibration. The difference between any two elements is the difference in both atomic structure and vibrational frequency.
Power v.s Force
In his book ‘Power Vs. Force’ Dr. David Hawkins [1927-2012], renowned psychiatrist, physician, researcher, pioneer in consciousness and spirituality, published a Map of Consciousness based on millions of calibrations through applied kinesiology.
Vibrational frequencies [hertz or cycles per second] were assigned to thoughts and feelings localized by specific attractor energy fields similar to electromagnetic fields gathering iron filings. The Map of Consciousness shows COURAGE [200 hz] is the threshold to enlightenment; a defining moment for every human.
In early 2000, according to Dr. Hawkins, the collective vibratory frequency of MAN rose above 200 hz for the first time.
Above 200 Hertz is ‘Constructive’
enlightenment 700 – 1,000 hz.
peace 600 hz
joy 540 hz
love 500 hz
reason 400 hz
acceptance 350 hz
willingness 310 hz
neutrality 250 hz
courage is 200 hz
Below 200 Hertz is ‘Destructive’
pride 175 hz
anger 150 hz
desire 125 hz
fear 100 hz
grief 75 hz
apathy 50 hz
guilt 30 hz
shame 20 hz
It takes courage to transform fear, deeply ingrained beliefs and patterns that limit us, and to accept other possibilities such as the One True Creator, and only Power, responds to freewill choices similar to the way a computer responds to its keyboard and mouse commands. In other words, CONsent is a reality generator. Look around at your life and the world. They are a print out of our choices.
When force meets Power force eventually succumbs
Everything we perceive to be the worst of humans is about purification or detoxification of the mass psyche of MAN before we can transition into higher consciousness.
Detoxification usually makes humans sicker for a while, as toxins rise to the surface and the organism seeks to purge itself.
People, events, and circumstances that appear destructive are catalysts for the mass of humanity to take responsibility for the patterns of thoughts and actions that contribute to incoherence, by holding up a mirror to show how far from the ideal is the reflection.”
To generate coherence, ascend from MAN’s lower animal nature to a higher divine nature, where courage opens doors to greater wisdom and possibilities that otherwise remain closed. For consideration. https://ourgreaterdestiny.org/2019/03/the-true-nature-of-man-vs-carnal-mind/
Please share to fully potentialize this rare moment to awaken and free ourselves. Thank you.
Doreen A Agostino
Without Prejudice and Without Recourse