How it works with narcissists and me.

I used to have a fairly popular art project that got press, many 1,000s of views and likes and a pretty cool Wikipedia entry. Even so it always felt a little eery as if I could feel some hidden hands. One day, I heard about a guy saying he had seen the personalities from the big obvious psyop of the time - the Stormy Daniels/Trump story - recruiting for the sex slave cult NXIVM.

We did this polygraph and then an obvious agent showed up acting like it was a done deal that I was going to join the movement that was being vilified in the media at that time - the Q movement. She was letting me know she had all the money and all the ability to make me blow up on “alternative media”. Instead, she just ended up showing me there were even more shills than I had thought.

Next thing, without my permission or foreknowledge she puts my name in a Q book which was Kaballah style manifesting civil war in the United States. It wasn’t too difficult to figure out that she was a double agent trying to seduce me into helping them bring down my own country for my own selfish interests which she expected me to have.

Then when I stopped actively keeping up the interaction, suddenly my Wikipedia went down. My numbers went down and I became invisible to press. I now think she was trying to show me her power so I’d come back ready to beg. This person still kept following me around letting me know that that door was oh so open.

The message was if I wanted to continue to be a “public figure” I was going to have to be “friends” with her. I considered that a classic deal with the devil scenario and my answer was no.

Why am I telling you this?

When the whole internet and media as one entity turned me invisible like they turned the flick of a switch - I promised myself I would make it stick.

Now those agents are just as much charged with “handling” me as they once were. I’m quite sure even more so now. When a narcissist says we’re done as a fear tactic, I make sure we’re done.

The song below makes me wonder if it was written about the agent I’m describing in this post.

People need to realize the degree to which one group is deciding what people see all across the internet and major media. Would you trust a group that is acting so secretly and aggressively? I would not.

If this group would live and let live and just sit back and enjoy all their immense privileges, they wouldn’t be setting themselves up for disaster right now. They went too far and all the legions of people waking up aren’t going to ever forget what they now understand.

Here’s another song that reminds me of that agent.

This one applies as well.