Television is a tool used to condition people into accepting totalitarian realities.

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More than 40 years ago in Four Arguments For The ELIMINATION Of Television (1977), Jerry Mander laid out Eight Ideal Conditions for the Flowering of Autocracy. Tragically evermore relevant today, study this brief list. Consider the summaries of the eight conditions. How far has our society advanced down the road of autocratic rule?  1. Eliminate personal knowledge. 2. Eliminate points of comparison. 3. Separate people from each other. 4. Unify experience, especially encouraging mental experience at the expense of sensory experience. 5. Occupy the mind. 6. Encourage drug use. 7. Centralize knowledge and information. 8. Redefine happiness and the meaning of life in terms of new and increasingly unrooted philosophy.

More than 40 years ago in Four Arguments For The ELIMINATION Of Television (1977), Jerry Mander laid out Eight Ideal Conditions for the Flowering of Autocracy. Tragically evermore relevant today, study this brief list. Consider the summaries of the eight conditions. How far has our society advanced down the road of autocratic rule?
1. Eliminate personal knowledge.

2. Eliminate points of comparison.

3. Separate people from each other.

4. Unify experience, especially encouraging mental experience at the expense of sensory experience.

5. Occupy the mind.

6. Encourage drug use.

7. Centralize knowledge and information.

8. Redefine happiness and the meaning of life in terms of new and increasingly unrooted philosophy.

For more than a week every single time I go on SoundCloud - a service for which I pay - it tells me that LSD is safe and fun based on my listening history. I don’t ever listen to anything whatsoever on SoundCloud. An obvious agent also once got me to talk to him on Discord and opened by telling me he was on LSD.

For more than a week every single time I go on SoundCloud - a service for which I pay - it tells me that LSD is safe and fun based on my listening history. I don’t ever listen to anything whatsoever on SoundCloud. An obvious agent also once got me to talk to him on Discord and opened by telling me he was on LSD.