Dr. Reiner Fuellmich inquest: lawyer Andrea Steindl describes the global coup d’etat from the perspective of Austria.

Lawyers Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Viviane Fischer discuss with Lawyer Andrea Steidl the legal hurdles she is facing in the pursuit of defending human rights and democracy.

1:49:52 – 2:12:26 Reiner Fuellmich: Okay now, Austria Andrea Steindl, can you hear us, are you with us from Austria? Can we speak English or (inaudible). Okay. I’ll translate. She’s an attorney Andrea Steindl in Austria. She is a member of the extra parliamentary corona investigative committee, which is just what we’re doing here in Germany, and she is also a member of a group of lawyers who take special care and who are worried about the constitution. Plus, and that’s why she’s here, she is a member of the group that concerns itself with vaccinations. Okay.

Our colleague and her group that deals with vaccinations, of course, realised very quickly that much of the “success” of this campaign depends upon massive media campaigns, in her case or rather in the case of Austria, under the name of “effective and safe”. Now, they are looking at these campaigns because this may be illegal advertising. In fact, much of what they found is that it is illegal advertising. One of the rules in Austria says that members of the healthcare community cannot be part of this, but they are, and they have been fighting this in the court. So they did take these cases to court, but this far even though it seems to be quite clear that this is illegal even members of the healthcare committee cannot be part of these campaigns and they still do, this should be illegal but thus far no success in the courts of law.

Viviane: I think they didn’t take it to the courts of law. She asked them to take it to the court, but they didn’t comply.

Reiner Fuellmich: So you didn’t take them to courts, okay.

Viviane: Because they couldn’t because other people.

Reiner Feullmich: So another piece of information that is probably interesting for most of us is that they even came across a folder in which the campaign for vaccinations is, I mean this is totally out of hand, obviously. So this is very interesting, these folders were found even in homes for the handicapped and what they show is, on the one side probably colourful pictures of how you can see your family again after you get vaccinated, on the other side in not so colourful pictures you see a grave if you don’t get vaccinated, and what I didn’t know she just pointed to me the same picture is the same kind of media campaigns that are being pushed in Germany, almost identical.

Viviane: And over here it’s very much illegal you know to do this kind of advertising, we have a law that prohibits like misleading campaigns for…

Reiner Fuellmich:…advertising, in the context misleading advertising is always illegal, but this is a special law…

Viviane:…this special law it’s even like the criminal fines are stipulated in this law in case you don’t comply with it, and for instance it’s illegal here to come out with like a healing promise that can really help you, or like saying that if you don’t do this you get severe disadvantages, which would suggest like what’s going on with this campaign that you just said, and here we have an advertising that is saying oh we all get vaccinated, but grandma first suggesting that it’s no big deal and that it’s something everyone should get. I mean it’s such a mean thing, but here it’s such a problem because it’s a criminal law basically so you would need to take it to the district attorney you know to report them to the district attorney, which in fact you could do, but then we have the problem that here the district attorneys are not going to look at it. You know they don’t even want to look at doing autopsies…

Reiner Fuellmich:…they are completely in line with the Government.

Viviane: That’s the problem.

Reiner Fuellmich: And if they do investigate and their superior will very quickly tell them “stop it” and they have to stop it. So, all people know basically, and this is not just true for Austria – this is true for Germany as well, and as we’ve heard from Renata it’s the same thing in Italy even though people are waking up and the same thing as Francis Hoar told us in Great Britain, and of course in Canada, so the only fact that people know is that which is being brought to them through the mainstream media, through these gigantic campaigns which claim effective and safe, but of course we know that you cannot make such an assertion without having first conducted the medical trials and no medical trials, no studies have been conducted. How can the Government tell the people effective and safe? But they have made inroads into the mainstream media, as she explained to us, she and a former employee of the WHO Dr. Beeran who we interviewed here in our corona committee plus Dr. Avai a biologist, they made it into the mainstream media and they have been able to explain and tell people about, for example, the annulment complaints that were filed against the conditional use against the European Union.

Okay, what they are doing in this group of lawyers is they are not confining themselves to making these things known over the mainstream media or the media in general, but they are also directly addressing the members of parliament, and those people who run the chambers of doctors, plus they have come up with a dashboard on their own website of the extra parliamentary committee which collects all the data on adverse reactions and what (inaudible) believes, and all the others too, is what they get, the information they get is just a fraction of what is really going on, just a tiny fraction of what we really experience as far as adverse reactions are concerned.

So, there is a case that made the international headlines of a forty-nine-year-old nurse who died after getting vaccinated. There were no prior medical conditions, she was basically a healthy person. After getting vaccinated she died of blood clotting, which as we now know from having interviewed Professor Bhakdi and others, is a typical side effect or adverse effect. They alerted the administration the public agencies to this, and asked for an immediate stop of further vaccinations, of course they didn’t really react rather, they got the answer that there may be correlation, but not causation and that this is not a typical risk – we know now that it is, but this is the information they got. Now she’s asking how can she know about typical risks if the studies that deal with the safety of these so-called vaccines haven’t even been conducted yet. Very strange.

My take on what’s going on in Austria is that it’s a small country, but they have made much more progress than most other countries. Some of it may have to do with the quality of the lawyers, quality meaning that they are much more optimistic than most others and they’re much more sure of themselves, let me put it that way, and she just pointed out that the next Austrian colleague Mr Beneder always says, and I’m gonna have it tell us himself, “in the end, truth and the light wins”, and that’s probably true.

I located the basis of the transcription above here.