We look for the truth in the congruent story. We even get to hear a little history from Jacob Rothschild himself in this clip.
We must learn history because it’s been repeating itself so very much. I’ve been swarmed by agents from various countries since I’ve been doing my broadcasts about Napoleon and my Wikipedia went down and my internet numbers disappeared all over - which suggests something surely.
YouTube also keeps turning my streams off. It even happened this morning.
Someone has been trying to turn the volume down on me. There is no doubt whatsoever that the ones running things do not want the public well acquainted with true history about Napoleon.
Here is the propaganda version. I like to include propaganda in this project because it reveals a lot of truth - in an inverted way. It shows what they want us to think. How they want to manipulate us.
Keep examining a subject and the congruent story will emerge.
Why is our financial system based on debt?
Sounds like a bad idea to me.
I got a great college education and then I realized that I had been tricked into debt slavery. That’s when I realized this system is run by criminals and that I was going to have to become as clever as they are to get out of that slavery.
I work very hard to bring the benefit of that knowledge to you for free.