This live cam shown below is not continually harassed and it is so interesting watching the subtle changes.
My streams are harassed and a company does not legally have the right to harass someone just because they’ve decided they don’t like them for whatever random reason. That is also another crime known as “discrimination”. My ethical obligation to be honest is offensive to another group’s obligation to themselves to be dishonest (clearly!) and the honest person is being bullied by the wealthy group.
I feel it is my duty and obligation to shine a bright light on laws that are being violated against me for years straight right within the view of the public by one of the wealthiest companies on this earth. It’s also harassment against my 1st amendment rights of freedom of speech and religion. The fact that my “offensive speech” that elicits frequent harassment is sparkly rainbowness dioramas should say everything about the level of repression a monied group is trying up foist on us and how important it is to vigorously defend ourselves!
United States' Suit Alleging Religious Discrimination in Policing and Housing Can Move Forward, Court Rules; County Agrees to Let Church Building Project Move Forward, Resolving RLUIPA Claims; Volume 54 (November 2012) Town Hall Meeting of Religious Organizations at Department of Justice Addresses Religion-Based Hate Crimes
Religious discrimination is universal. It may be subtle and not condoned by the law, but practised nonetheless. It may involve discrimination by one religion or sect against another, by the religious against those without religion, or by those without religion against the religious.
This is another sparkle space I maintain. Why my sparkly diorama streams continually go down while other equally innocent livestreams stay up is for the reader to understand. Our free speech rights are being trampled and that is not okay at all!
Other creative people see how I’m continually harassed and it probably inhibits their free expression.
What is being done to deliberately discourage and demoralize me has an enormous detrimental impact on our human culture.
A group is committing psychological warfare against us while they censor our Constitutionally protected free speech and they violate our freedom to express our convictions which is legally protected under freedom of religion.
When you see our rights being continually trampled, would you perhaps consider letting the law breakers know that their continued violation of the laws of our country is not okay with you?
Just because they have so much money does not mean that they can continually trample our rights.
We need to turn it right side up again.
No company, however wealthy, has the right to call the lies -
truth and truth - lies and to violate free speech rights
based on their redefinition of reality.
What they are doing is absurd and it is fraud.
It also shows who they are at the upper management level.
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darknes, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! - Isaiah 5:20
Law breakers will continue to break the law as long as we allow them to do it.
It’s that simple.
Sunshine is the best disinfectant.