My goal is to create something beautiful for your screen which is devoid of psychological warfare. Obviously that has been a problem for someone (WHO could have a problem with my streams?) because these streams have been taken down frequently since day 1.
Every day I watch my numbers go down all over. Then when they push their garbage agendas on us ever more desperately and forcefully, they think we’re going to bite?
Good luck with that plan. We’re not sheep and they’re not our shepherd. They thought we were so stupid for falling for their lies but it was only because we couldn’t fathom an evil as vast and as organized such as theirs. Once one realizes an evil of that magnitude can and does exist, seeing through them is a matter of course.
We’ve learned there really are so many who will do anything for money and the illusion of belonging to a superior caste. I hope they are starting to figure out that they are the real dupes in this scenario. Money is fake power and their superiority is nothing but a fantasy that they’ve been deluded into so they could be clasped into a potentially eternal slavery.
Being chased around by these agents for years has given me a sense of their collective maturity level and outlook. They’re being sold a bill of goods but most of them are too ridiculously conceited to ever imagine that they are anything but perfect.
In other words, what they are trying to do to us is being done to them by the entities who are driving their totally insane, destructive actions.
Conceited “perfect” people are very trapped. Humility is necessary to start clearing those things out.
Don’t they realize by harassing my streams and lying about my numbers they are just showing exactly who they are and what platforms they are hiding behind?