It’s all backfiring . . .

The most effective tactic to discredit me would be if they started promoting me heavily right now.Then I’d look like as if I had sold out.

The most effective tactic to discredit me would be if they started promoting me heavily right now.

Then I’d look like as if I had sold out.

If the plan is private planes for themselves and death and digital prisons for us then the answer is NO WAY.

If the plan is private planes for themselves and death and digital prisons for us then the answer is NO WAY.

As long as Hillary Clinton did whatever her political sponsors wanted, she could expect and get her very own plane ride just for her and her lackies. Learn what she had to do for that kind of privilege here and here.

As long as Hillary Clinton did whatever her political sponsors wanted, she could expect and get her very own plane ride just for her and her lackies. Learn what she had to do for that kind of privilege here and here.

Power to the PEOPLE.

Power to the PEOPLE.

The more they control and chase and feign to take over, the more humanity will seek refuge and learn to ward them off.

The more they control and chase and feign to take over, the more humanity will seek refuge and learn to ward them off.

Appear weak when you are strong and strong when you are weak.

Appear weak when you are strong and strong when you are weak.

Learn about a miscarriage of Justice here.

Learn about a miscarriage of Justice here.

The most effective tactic to discredit me would be if they started promoting me heavily right now.Then I’d look like as if I had sold out.

The most effective tactic to discredit me would be if they started promoting me heavily right now.

Then I’d look like as if I had sold out.

And they throw A LOT.

And they throw A LOT.

May the Light shine down brightly on this element trying to take down our civilization.

May the Light shine down brightly on this element trying to take down our civilization.

That Decree has been passed.

That Decree has been passed.