Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Lawyer Viviane Fischer interview psychologist and human rights activist Daniela Prousa. She discusses the lawsuits she is pursuing in the interest of exposing the psychological warfare campaign we are enduring.
The link is here.
She has been filing lawsuits against the RKI and the German Health Authority, the European Court of Human Rights and now she is going to face the United Nations.
Ms. Prousa has initiated multiple lawsuits regarding misleading data that has been disseminated by the RKI (the German CDC). She has also filed complaints against mandatory mask wearing. All of her complaints were dismissed by the German Federal Court.
Then she moved onto the European Court of Human Rights. She is asserting with 700 pages of evidence that false medical data is the basis for all the measures. She wonders, “How can a directive be legal if the basis is false?” She is also battling mandatory mask wearing.
Ms. Prousa says the spreading of false medical data was what is called suggestive priming in psychology. This was done by the RKI, the media and the population in general.
Ms. Prousa is specifically challenging mask wearing in open air food markets and other food markets. Even the RKI says there’s no need for this in open air markets.
It is proven that there is no positive effect of mask wearing. She says the mask wearing has led to harm in the areas of psychology and discrimination. There are many documented physical attacks that have occurred over the forcing of mask wearing. It is a violation of the Nuremberg Code to force participation in human experiments. It has to be voluntary. That is not being considered here.
In the dismissal of her complaints, she was told no harm was being done physically. Ms. Prousa challenged this false notion by having her blood pressure checked by a doctor while she watched false RKI data on the news and there were physical changes in her.
She did this to show that lying propaganda is effecting us physically. She had her blood pressure taken at a health facility and it was normal. This was to prove that news is harming people and that it is in a way “the killer of the nation.”
Daniela Prousa is exposing in-your-face global corruption of the judiciary.
How can the people defend themselves with a dismantled judiciary?
Ms. Prousa can only shop at certain food markets without a mask. This is pushing her to the outskirts of society. She feels the masks are instruments of creating fear. She stated, “I am making my fellow human beings feel I am a risk to them and that they are a risk to me. That is not psychologically acceptable within the framework of reality.”
Ms. Prousa says that “being forced to wear the propaganda on my face is deeply against my ethical principles.” She says she has used the argument that this is like making a vegetarian wear meat on their face. It is unbearable in the literal sense of the word.
Who devised the corruption of so many systems?
All complaints were dismissed before she could see a judge. She was told she is trying to address no real problem. There are no effects. That’s why she participated in the blood pressure tests. Still that was not enough. She was told the “RKI would never indemnify human dignity”. That is an accurate quotation, she says. That was from the Berlin Administrative Court.
She was told that even if she has proof there is the spreading of false data; Even if it could be wrong, she was told that she is too sensitive. She responded that assessing the sensitivity of a citizen is not the role of a judge. “So it’s really victim blaming here.”
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich asks Ms. Prousa if indeed all of the judges have stayed under cover from all of her complaints and she validates that this is very much the case.
Ms. Prousa describes the strange reaction to her at the European Court for Human Rights. This encounter was in the interest of addressing the damage the measures are causing. She also had the goal of discussing the rampant defamation and the attacks. She says, “We need to be protected from the state. If there are attacks at the supermarket as a result of this campaign, then it needs to be addressed.”
Dr. Fuellmich cites various examples where the state and media are fomenting violence between citizens. A previous guest of the session on this date, Avital Livny, said that in Israel the “unvaccinated” were being called murderers shooting death at everyone in their midst. Dr. Fuellmich says there were also calls for violence in the “Panic Papar” and that around the world similar fomenting of violence has been happening all over by the state and its controlled media.
Ms. Prousa is challenging the measures on the basis of the violation of human dignity, humiliation, and how the state is failing to protect people from attacks by other citizens. She is challenging the mask propaganda symbol which is to keep up that fear.
Dr. Fuellmich once again reminds us that all the measures have been based on a false positive creating PCR Test which is not even authorized for detecting infections.
Ms. Prousa’s complaints addressed to the European Court of Human Rights were supposed to be seen by a tribunal of 3 judges but in her case, this protocol was disregarded. Instead just 1 judge dismissed her complaint. She was also told that she can’t go to the next level. She was simply told that they don’t see a violation in the conventions and protocols. They have declared the application inadmissible.
Napoleon said that organized crime needs to be very clandestine and very moderate to stay in operation.
Dr. Fuellmich clarifies that the European Court of Human Rights says that no human rights have been violated.
She mentions that there was only 1 Italian judge who issued this ruling. This court dispensed with consulting 3 judges and this is a problematic verdict.
Now Ms. Prousa wants to take her case to the United Nations Human Rights Commission to document what the the UN will do. She does not expect any success in that arena after what she’s been through.
Dr. Fuellmich says that in his collaboration with other lawyers fighting for human rights, he is seeing a lot of complaints getting dismissed out right. These cases are being dismissed at the lowest intellectual level imaginable - simply that the RKI is above reproach.
Dr. Fuellmich holds out hope that there may be some independent people who want to show that they are not under the thumb of the World Economic Forum who try to take over everything. If not, the important function of Ms. Prousa’s work is to document exactly who is obstructing the law and human rights at this time.
Learn more about Henry Kissinger’s activities here.