Update: Youtube clearly took down the Corona Committee meeting English as well. I did record most of it and I will process that footage and it is slated to appear on this site. Everything done to obscure the light of truth will only sharpen and intensify it. Running from the truth is an exercise in futility.
The link is here.
Second Update: The videos are now functional again on YouTube in English and German. I’ve never seen this happen before. I’m also putting the Bitchute videos back on this post that have “magically” disappeared.
He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. John 8:44
The meeting opens with an activist from Israel, Avital Livny of the Testimonies Project. She is raising awareness about injection damage.
She says that when someone goes to the doctor complaining about injection results, they get pushed into being called a covid victim and they won’t receive assistance unless they comply with this sort of pressure to rebrand their suffering.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich explains how the Amish have been lucky to have been outside of this media propaganda situation. They dealt with the virus like they would deal with any other and then they were done with it and then they didn’t succumb to injections and life continued normally for them. Everyone in the meeting expresses how fortunate they are to be free from media propaganda.
This activist says that the media was able to get people to hate each other. She says that in orthodox communities - which are similar to the Amish in the sense that they are not watching tv and media - they let the virus run its course and then they were finished with that flu. Dr. Fuellmich expresses how we must find a way to get away from these governments that work for someone else and not us.
The injection is putting spike proteins in people, says Dr. Fuellmich.
Lawyer Viviane Fischer says there’s no question there is a malevolent agenda at play with these injections. Any other dangerous medical program would’ve been cancelled by now in the past..
The authorities don’t want to investigate, the Israeli activist says. They don’t want to know. Now children are being pursued for injections and the schools have been changed into a prison like setting and parents can’t go into the schools to see what’s happening. The children are being isolated from outside supervision and being subjected to medical tests.
She says that people on tv were ordered to not say anything against the injections. Doctors are intimidated by lawsuits and threats about losing their license to pressure them into going along with this dangerous injection agenda.
She says myocarditis is rampant in the injected. Undertakers in Israel are seeing mass death in the injected. Dr. Fuellmich says English funeral director John O’Looney says the same.
The link is here.
This Israeli activist says 600,000 only took the first injection but wouldn’t take more. Most took the injection only for the purpose of mobility - for the “green passport” - not for health reasons. Now that people have been hurt, the government is demanding more compliance with injections.
At this time, the injected are being treated badly like the uninjected are because they don’t want to be harmed further.
People are starting to wake up, she says. They are understanding that if they want their “freedom”, they have to do something they don’t want. People are understanding that they are being fooled.
The German livestream is taken down off YouTube live and Dr. Fuellmich responds by saying that we are living a horror story and that the criminals are trying to hide what they are doing.
Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg explains how the concept of injections every 6 months is about planned obsolescence marketing being used to make money and kill people. On this occasion, planned obsolescence is for a “health” product. Our immune systems are far superior to injections, he says.
This activist tells us that Israeli Parliament members don’t have to wear masks or deal with the “green passport”. Just the “slaves” have to deal with these things, she says.
She says that orthodox communities are not complying with the government. They are just pretending to go along.
She says many people are taking their children out of school because of the measures which harm their children. Communities are becoming more independent, farming for themselves.
Dr. Fuellmich says we need to build our own parallel communities. He says he wants to embrace life and that “we don’t want transhumanism.”
A Swedish professor Bjorn Hammarsköld joins the meeting. He says he has been studying covid statistics. He shows charts indicating that positive PCR tests do not necessarily have anything to do with fatality rates. Covid didn’t have an effect on fatalities, he shows.
Analyst Reiner Held behind his presentation and shows charts indicating the public is being lied to by authorities. Injected arms are shown which have been severely damaged from the injection. Authorities say to carry on despite the serious harm. Mr. Held references data indicating that politicians want to keep the repressive measures going even without the pretext of the virus.
The link is here.
Activist Daniela Prousa joins the meeting about what she is doing to fight the measures and the lies, specifically in her home state of Bavaria. She is fighting the Nuremberg Code violation policies that we are being pressured to accept by those who have hijacked institutions. We shouldn’t be bullied into accepting being treated like laboratory test subjects and she is fighting this inhumane behavior.
She says in a way, “the news are the killer of the nation”. She feels the masks are a psychological weapon used to signal that she is a danger to others and that others are a danger to her. She feels wearing the propaganda on her face is unbearable to her. The complaints she filed were dismissed even before she could be heard.
To deny her right to be heard in court, she was told the RKI (German CDC) would never harm people. She was told she was too sensitive. They blamed the victim.
The link is here.
In all of the complaints she filed, she has not been able to see a single judge.
Violence is being promoted between citizens and Ms. Prousa is trying to get authorities to intervene.
There are direct call for violence in some countries, mentions Dr. Fuellmich.
The European Convention on Human Rights dismissed Ms. Prousa’s case. Typical protocol was dismissed and she was lied to and told no laws are being violated. She plans to take her case to the UN, not because she actually expects help from the UN but to further document the legal names of these individuals and to find out exactly what role they are playing in these massive crimes against humanity.
Dr. Fuellmich says that maybe someone at the UN will want to show that they are not under the thumb of the World Economic Forum. He commends Ms. Prousa for documenting the present state of the legal system.
Ms. Prousa keeps up her fight asserting that there is no genuine scientific information backing up this whole international repression campaign. Dr. Fuellmich says that we have to show the true colors of these individuals and that we will never trust them again.
She says having such incorrect information being spread by authorities is a threat to the nation.
The call turns to Chile.
Jens Bierman translates for Surgeon Dr. Patricio Burgos. The latest outrage in Chile is that children are being targeted to be injectioned with known dangerous serums. Serums that they would’ve even need anyway. There isn’t even a pretext for injecting children.
Dr. Burgos can see no medical reason for this push to inevitably harm children. He wrote to authorities about this and he received no answer. Adverse effects from the injection are not being reported. This information was sent to authorities but he received no response about that either.
When he finally got an answer, it was more political than scientific. He was essentially told that vaccinations have a history of being useful. Dr. Burgos tried to address his concerns on Facebook but he was censored. He was asking for there to be open dialogue about the scientific facts.
Authorities now are targeting ever younger children with dangerous injections, this time as young as 6. The Chinese injection pushed on them (sinovac) has not been properly tested and, of course, the public was not informed of this fact.
The link is here.
Sinovac is being bundled with other vaccinations in children. There have been bad results and there are no tests about what this is going to do to these children. They are the test subjects. Experiments are being done on them.
There are “mobility passes” in Chile. If someone wants to travel or move around somewhat freely, they have to prove they have submitted to all of the experimental injections they are pressured to allow into their bodies.
There are now requirements that people take a third and fourth injection. The uninjected are being framed for illnesses that they have nothing to do with spreading.
Lawyers for Truth member Emilio Jarufe joins the meeting. He is a Lawyer who specializes in criminal law. He says the state of catastrophe declared in Chile has lasted 18 months. As a result of pressure from scientists and lawyers, the state of catastrophe was lifted in September. That is the only “state” that allows forcing medical measures in Chile.
The link is here.
Mr. Jarufe has been filing lawsuits mostly regarding illegal incarceration citing the concept of habeas corpus. Dr. Fuellmich says all legal considerations have been brushed aside because “there’s an emergency” and that maybe since that pretext is gone, courts can reconsider consulting the law.
Dr. Fuellmich says they are working on a mock trial to show lawyers how to present cases to courts.
Dr. Burgos returns to the conference and says that doctors in Chile are not reporting injection damage because they think it’s normal. The site where they are supposed to report damage has been down so it is not even possible to report injection damage. He personally saw a 25 year old die right after getting injected. In patients, he sees hypertension, thrombosis in the legs, permanent headaches and some of these problems only appear in some, months after injection.
Truth About the Virus Viruswaarheid representative from Holland, lawyer Jeroen Pols says he has filed over 20 complaints. The judges all say they can rely on their experts. Now this lawyer is fighting on the basis that the injection has to fall under the banner of “do no harm”. These injections are experimental. We cannot know the risks. This injection had never been used on humans before. The company itself says that they don’t know what will happen and they accept no liability, How have politicians moved forward anyway?
Dr. Fuellmich says this whole situation would be comedy if people weren’t dying from it. We are existing in state entirely outside of the law.
This is how the public will finally learn the names of their betrayers.
The benefits must outweigh the risks. There have to be no alternative treatments. None of these criteria are met and we are existing totally outside of the law,
The people must understand, the governments have no arguments, no defense. They are just saying “there is an emergency”.
The link is here.
We are looking at crimes against humanity. Medical experiments are not allowed to be forced on the population. This campaign is illegal, immoral and it is a violation children’s rights,
Mr. Pols says this litigation must go forward to take a record of who is committing crimes against humanity right now. He says these judges who are not applying the law will end up in court themselves and be tells them that to their faces.
Dr. Fuellmich says he sees that these judges are uncomfortable while they obstruct the law but that they hope this illegal state lasts in order to protect themselves. Dr. Fuellmich says this illegal state cannot last.
Mr. Pols says lawyers should go after individuals who are committing crimes against humanity. Serve them legal documents personally. Puppets feel powerful when they’re ensconced in their institutions but much less so when it’s just them alone.
Dr. Wodarg explains how pharmaceutical companies can’t make money unless they keep coming up with products and test subjects so they can keep on raking in money.
They can do this as long as they have no empathy, as long as they can bribe the amoral and perhaps it is even their goal to genocide humanity.
At the end of the meeting, a video is shown of testimonies of Israelis who have had their lives ruined by that injection they are forcing on all of us - that injection which also clearly killed my mother.
The link is here.
Topic excerpt: Vaccine side effects in Israel
New data: Vaccinations more dangerous than Covid-19 Strategic BMI paper 2.0 and bogus arguments about infection incidence
New vaccinations against Corona - what to make of it?
Mask lawsuit at the ECTHR shot down on absurd grounds Situation in Chile, vaccination of children and the "mobility passport”.
Justice will come to the obstructers of justice.