It’s interesting to watch what’s done to my streams on YouTube.

YouTube got some heat in the public sphere - I hear - for being destructive. It was during this period that my streams stayed up longer than they ever had during the 15 month period that I have been attempting to offer this kind of public art. I heard from one viewer that my stream helps him get through the day.

Nonetheless, both of my streams were clearly just taken down this morning. I was able to put them back up. I hope you like them. Who takes them down and why? Why are other streams not just removed like mine are? Does that mean that there is something special about my streams? I know they cheer me up during these unnecessarily difficult times. May we have the fortune to see justice prevail.

Why do my streams go down when other streams stay up for months or years?

Why do my streams go down when other streams stay up for months or years?

The stream in my stream has been up to my knowledge since early 2020. They have technical problems occasionally but this stream doesn’t just get switched off. I’ve also seen weird disappearing comments on my streams. Flat earth has been suspiciously promoted multiple times by commenters.
I’ll have it showing me that there are 0 viewers when I have the stream running on multiple screens. Fraud is illegal and amoral and it is running rampant all over the internet, particularly.

Why is that?

Who is benefitting from all of this fraud? Will these secretive fraudsters ever be identified? What do they gain from attaching obviously deceptive numbers to my work?

Do they realize that they are revealing the truth about themselves by being deceptive in so obvious a manner? Do they realize that they are trashing the credibility of the brands behind which they are hiding? When I see YouTube pushing something hard - like I see them pushing Bitcoin - it makes me certain to steer clear of anything they are promoting. If they say something is good, I reflexively assume it must be bad.
I fail to understand the strategy of taking down my streams. Are they doing this to harass me? Do they see that they are trashing their own mask in their seemingly endless psychological warfare campaign against me and the public?

Do they not see that warring on the public on which they depend will not have good results for them ultimately? I never realized the “elite” (secret societies) would ever war on us so openly or directly as they are doing right now. It is really time for us to unite and to stand up to validate our human dignity in the face of outrageous and incomprehensible behavior by a not so hidden hand.

Just say no to abuse.

Just say no to abuse.

All of these society destroying agendas really are coming from somewhere and together we can finally take their mask off.

All of these society destroying agendas really are coming from somewhere and together we can finally take their mask off.

A whistleblower tool is below if you’d like to help reveal the malice that is hiding in our midst. Together we can get free of the grip of these hidden individuals.

The ones always calling everybody racists have literally segregated lodges but no one talks about it because they have so much control over the “narrative”.

The ones always calling everybody racists have literally segregated lodges but no one talks about it because they have so much control over the “narrative”.

The hypocrisy is truly astonishing.

The hypocrisy is truly astonishing.

All kinds of people are constantly getting unjustly framed and people really need to figure out who is creating all of this chaos via their grip on institutions and media.

All kinds of people are constantly getting unjustly framed and people really need to figure out who is creating all of this chaos via their grip on institutions and media.

“The end justifies the means.”

“The end justifies the means.”

“Order out of chaos”

“Order out of chaos”

It’s up to up to cut those strings and to call them out and the platforms that they hide behind as they perennially war on us using OUR OWN TAX MONEY. It’s not tolerable for them to constantly barrage us with their campaigns to control everything we do and think. Together we can get free of them. They HAVE to hide because of their rampant criminality. We can turn the entire internet that they use to control us into a creative protest AND INTO A LEGAL TRIAL against their abuse of us! We can do it.

It’s up to up to cut those strings and to call them out and the platforms that they hide behind as they perennially war on us using OUR OWN TAX MONEY. It’s not tolerable for them to constantly barrage us with their campaigns to control everything we do and think. Together we can get free of them. They HAVE to hide because of their rampant criminality. We can turn the entire internet that they use to control us into a creative protest AND INTO A LEGAL TRIAL against their abuse of us! We can do it.