It’s up to us whether the internet will be the dawn of a positive or a destructive new age.

This video shows pioneers of the internet describing their work. This technology does not have to be used to destroy us as it is being used today. I know that many are fighting to help carry us to that better day where abuse will be finally mitigated by this technological force. This technology can help bring us the transparency where JUST LAW will once again help us reestablish ORDER and DIGNITY.

All of you empathetic engineers out there! I feel you and I thank you. We fight as one. When we work towards reforming our systems, they will improve.

Lying, hiding criminals do not have the final word anymore. Not if we make sure of it. We have the power as long as we unite and let them know this technology can show the crimes they have been committing UNDER THE BANNER OF OUR FLAG.

We have the honor and the duty to protect our nations and our sacred traditions.

Never give in!

The direction we take is up to us!

The direction we take is up to us!