Only oligarchs were hostile to Hortense. Seuls les oligarques étaient hostiles à Hortense.

This is part of a series about why Hortense broke the law. When we last left off Revolution was about to break out around Hortense in Rome. Hortense was hosting some distinguished guests at the time.


- [M. de Bressieux with the calm of a man used to uprisings started] by wanting to close the large door of the palace; but it was impossible. The placard there had been nailed for so long. On the death of a Roman prince alone it is permissible to change it, and since the last death they had neglected to have the fittings mended.
Meanwhile, the troops roamed the streets. You could still hear a few shots from afar, but the calm was restored. My living room was immediately filled with all the French men and women I know. Everyone came to take refuge near me.
It seemed to others as to me that I had nothing to fear from blows that did not come from kings. 1814 and 1815 had sufficiently shown me that these alone were my fear. Here is what I learned the next day about the smoke.
All the young people that the counter-order of the morning had made impotent to act, nevertheless wanted to execute their projects in the evening. Pope's troops encamped the whole army in the squares; and although it was presumed that one party was the weaker, who is the soldier who lets his weapons be removed by force?
At night, on the Place Colonne, the young men advanced on the infantry regiment to disarm it unexpectedly. A single pistol shot was fired from this side, and they received a platoon discharge.
Many were injured or killed. Extraordinarily, there was not a single body on the square, only traces of blood in several directions announced victims; but the vanquished had had the humanity and composure that one ordinarily finds only among the victors.
Fate constantly places me as an actress in all events, while my will and my actions should always leave me stranger. But who can resist relieving the misfortune that is facing us? A Corsican, a former soldier who knew my maid, came to find her. Her son is -


Cela fait partie d'une série sur les raisons pour lesquelles Hortense a enfreint la loi. Lorsque nous nous sommes arrêtés pour la dernière fois, Revolution allait éclater autour de Hortense à Rome.

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The memoirs so far are available here.

Les mémoires sont disponibles ici.