What did Madame Durand see at Napoleon’s court? Qu'est-ce que Mme Durand a vu à la cour de Napoléon?

In the next memoir we plan to feature, Madame Durand starts off about the rumors of a torrid affair happening between Napoleon and Hortense. These memoirs are riddled with errors but the footnotes offer corrections where the memoirist is mistaken. Madame Durand was a lady fulfilling a role in Napoleon’s royal court. She opens the memoirs describing the state of affairs at the end of 1809.




It was the end of 1809; the Emperor had, by new victories, secured the crown on his head; nothing was wanting in his glory, but an heir was wanting in his happiness and his ambition.
He could no longer hope for his union with Josephine, and death had just reaped the oldest son of his brother Louis.
We generally looked at this child as if he were the successor of his uncle; they even went so far as to say that he was his son, and that the Emperor had given Hortense Beauharnais in marriage to Louis, only to hide the result of his connections with her.
In support of what could only be a conjecture, it was said that Louis had never been able to suffer his wife, and this is how the truth is sometimes used to propagate lies.

It is certain that Napoleon never had any intimacy with Hortense Beauharnais, whom he loved, like Eugène, because they were the children of his wife. In the various marriages which he decided either in his family, or even among the persons of his court, he never consulted the inclination; he listened only to conveniences.
His will was an absolute order: he proved it with regard to his brother Jéròme, who, married without his consent, in America, to Miss Patterson, was forced to abandon his wife and child, in order to marry the princess of Württemberg.
It is said that while still married, he was a long time living not with her; it is even said that he had sworn that he would never have relations with the woman that was imposed on him.
For three years almost all the beauties of the courts of Westphalia received his tributes. The queen, witness to this conduct, endured it with gentleness and dignity; she seemed to see nothing, to know nothing; finally, her conduct was perfect.
The prince, touched by so much virtue, tired of his conquests, repentant of his conduct, was only waiting for an occasion to meet sincerely with his wife; she introduced herself.
Fire broke out at the palace of Cassel, in the wing occupied by the queen; the king flies there, he arrives at the queen's apartment, who, awakened by the cries of his women, came out of his bed barely dressed; the king takes her in his arms, and through fire and smoke he manages to put her in safety.
From that moment their union was complete, and the queen became pregnant when she lost the throne.
But there was never a more noble and more respectable conduct than that which this princess held towards her husband, who, an outcast and without asylum, found in the States of her father-in-law a rank and a fortune, thanks to the affection of his wife who never wanted to abandon him!
Louis himself had to submit to this absolute will; he was forced to marry Hortense, despite his love for miss Tascher*
*that's not true. - Louis did not like Miss Tascher.


Dans le prochain mémoire que nous prévoyons de présenter, Madame Durand part des rumeurs d'une liaison torride entre Napoléon et Hortense. Ces mémoires sont truffées d'erreurs, mais les notes de bas de page proposent des corrections là où le mémoriste se trompe. Madame Durand était une dame remplissant un rôle dans la cour royale de Napoléon. Elle ouvre les mémoires décrivant la situation à la fin de 1809.

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Because I am looking to determine whether or not astrology is real, I’d like to examine planetary patterns in the natal charts of these individuals.
Parce que je cherche à déterminer si oui ou non l'astrologie est réelle, je voudrais examiner les modèles planétaires dans les cartes natales de ces individus.

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Napoleon has Uranus transiting his ascendant as I do now. We also have similar oppositions between Uranus near the descendants in the 6th house of daily work, and the ascendant. This can mean shocking changes to how we appear to the world.
The Sun (spotlight) and Mercury (communications) are transiting Napoleon’s natal Pluto (death/rebirth) in Capricorn (institutions). Pluto is transiting an intercepted Pisces (frustrated emotion) in the 4th house of the Moon and home origins. This could imply the upcoming end of his present home life.


Napoléon fait transiter son ascendant par Uranus comme je le fais maintenant. Nous avons également des oppositions similaires entre Uranus près des descendants de la 6e maison du travail quotidien, et l'ascendant. Cela peut signifier des changements choquants dans notre apparence du monde. Le Soleil (projecteur) et Mercure (communications) transitent par le Pluton natal de Napoléon (mort / renaissance) en Capricorne (institutions). Pluton transite un Poissons intercepté (émotion frustrée) dans la 4e maison de la Lune et ses origines d'origine. Cela pourrait impliquer la fin prochaine de sa vie familiale actuelle.

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Josephine has potentially upsetting Uranus transiting transformational Scorpio in her 12th house of exile or isolation. She’s about to be removed from the court.


Joséphine a potentiellement bouleversé Uranus transitant par le Scorpion transformationnel dans sa 12e maison d'exil ou d'isolement. Elle est sur le point d'être renvoyée du cour.

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Mars (fire) is passing through Hortense’s destructive looking stellium of Jupiter, Mars and Pluto in the 5th house of family pride (Leo). This transit is happening in a house associated with disruptive Aquarius (ruled by Uranus).


Mars (feu) traverse le stellium destructeur de Jupiter, Mars et Pluton de Hortense dans la 5e maison de la fierté familiale (Leo). Ce transit se produit dans une maison associée à un Verseau perturbateur (gouverné par Uranus).

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Marie Louise is about to become much more discussed in media (Mercury) and she’s about to become much more famous (Sun). At this time the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Neptune are around her midheaven (the illusion of peace). Saturn is part of this planetary collection alluding to her famous status of constriction. She will soon be obliged to sacrifice herself for the group controlling the Austrian monarchy.


Marie Louise est sur le point de devenir beaucoup plus discutée dans les médias (Mercure) et elle est sur le point de devenir beaucoup plus célèbre (Sun). A cette époque, le Soleil, Mercure, Vénus et Neptune sont autour de son milieu du ciel (l'illusion de la paix). Saturne fait partie de cette collection planétaire faisant allusion à son fameux statut de constriction. Elle sera bientôt obligée de se sacrifier pour le groupe contrôlant la monarchie autrichienne.

More from Madame Durand’s memoirs.

  1. Madame Durand was aware of palace gossip. Madame Durand était au courant des commérages du palais.

The memoirs so far are available here.

Les mémoires sont disponibles ici.