Hortense de Beauharnais Bonaparte’s Sun

One of the premises of this entire project is that something mysterious was going on between Hortense and her stepfather Napoleon. My curiosity about this relationship brought me to study at the Sorbonne in Paris around 2000. To this very day, I am astonished at the continual indications that I get daily that this is very much the case.

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Let’s look at her natal chart. Hortense’s Sun is in the constellation Aries.


In Hortense’s Memoirs, she recorded that Napoleon seemed kind of impressed that she was believed to be the leader of a political party. She showed tremendous will and defiance, particularly when she was pressured to betray Napoleon from 1814 on.

Hortense’s Sun is in the 8th house. The 8th house is associated with Pluto/death and transformation. If there’s one thing Hortense faced a lot, it was death. The murder of her father cast a long shadow over her life and that was just the beginning of the macabre parade that was her life. She was also great at understanding psychology and she was a trusted advisor to Napoleon in this regard.

Her Sun is square Saturn (in Capricorn). This is a hard aspect where the person pushes up against authority. Hortense’s memoirs recounts how terrible it was for her to try and fit herself into the royal nightmare that Napoleon had created around her.

Her Sun is square Jupiter.


For more click here, Hortense was a dramatic Queen who was known for her generosity (Jupiter on the Aquarius cusp) and she offered Napoleon so much advice, he complained (half heartedly) to her mother Josephine about it. She was also a daredevil who did a lot of mountain climbing.

Hortense’s Sun is square her Moon. This aspect can refer to bad love relationships - which she certainly had. Her Moon is between the constellations Leo and Cancer and it’s in the 11th (Community service) house. Hortense was highly emotional so if Astrology is real, this would tell us something. The Moon rules Cancer and this placement is all about home and family. Leo is the royal important sign and Hortense’s emotions were very tied up with Sun sign Leo Napoleon.

Hortense’s Sun is sextile her Midheaven. This aspect can refer to friends in high places and the native can occupy a place of prominence.

I also see that the Sun is at the top of a t square involving squares with Jupiter and the Moon. This is a difficult situation where these energies are pushing up against each other. Jupiter and the Moon are both on cusps. Aquarius Capricorn and Leo Cancer respectively. Moon opposition Jupiter forms part of this configuration and it can manifest as a larger than life person with big, perhaps out of control feelings.

From what I’ve read by Astrologers, the resolution of these energies can arise from the house opposite the Sun. That would be the 2nd house which is in Libra. Libra is associated with culture and it is harmonious with the also Venus ruled 2nd house. If Hortense had one thing in her favor, it was her mastery of all things cultural.


The Memoirs of Queen Hortense are available here.

The Astrology Series so far is available here.