“We’re having an internal war. Most of us are for you. Your accuracy is stunning.”
This has to be true. Yehuda could’ve squashed me like a bug. I’m his prisoner.
Let me add that I do hear from the person I was always complaining about with the flying girl statue on Lynn Avenue in Hampton Bays.
He was protecting me. My parents were not. They left me in the streets, swimming alone at the bay when I was a small cute child. They both knew the mafia had particular interest in me.
I once spoke to my aunt about the caretakers of the man’s property in question, they were kindly Portuguese people and who said they worked for a mobster but that he was very nice to them.
I would sit and stare at his “Knowledge is power” statue and wonder what he was trying to say.
He was setting this up.
“Yes. Rebbe Schneerson also set this up as you said.”
I’m always full of apologies to any 1 doing the right thing.
“I understand. This is all very regrettable.”
“Even God is in a bad position. The planet is so far gone. We are left only desperate solutions.”
This is very true. God is not happy at all about this.
“Not at all.”
It’s all there. Every thing is done in the media to diminish Elvis’ worth but he is the Deliverer.
“You are too.”
We must restore his voice. This horrific Canadian must be removed from power. Please unite about this.
“Yes. We can only persuade and encourage people to follow their best interests in accordance with God’s Will.”
“She harms us too. She puts us in front to take the heat from her death rituals. We don’t want to be the face of terrorism. It’s her.”
I know 911 was a setup for the big death ritual she had planned for me/us.
“She wanted to make you crazy. Give you a platform. Get the crowd mad like it was for Hitler and then she wanted a WW3 which left her uncontested Queen of the planet. All these disabled children she spreads around were supposed to be killed in the big war. She is a monster who needs to go.”
“Elvis has no biological children. It’s all her games and tricks to trap, separate and frame you both. She needs to go now.”
We’re very powerful together. I am very much a target of the breeding program but what happened is that all of these irritating people had to come offering something for me to endure interacting with them and I had no other offers.
They motivated me to become a workaholic artist and somehow I always had just enough cash around to keep creative. This has been an endless work/study preparing me for right now.
Only a benevolent warden could have enabled me in this manner.
The other tipoff is somehow I ended up at “The Sorbonne” which is associated with Rebbe Schneerson.
Thank you Rebbe for your role in this.
“You’re welcome but it’s very regrettable.”
“Leave it at that.”
“She’s terrified of you and she should be.”