David Barnea is saying he’s 1 of us

“Look at the pictures.”

He’s got the laughing at Stupid face.

I say this all the time - it’s like me on the tennis team in high school. I wasn’t ready to be 1st singles so many tears were shed about it.

Of course Stupid would run the demons into the ground with her imbecility coupled with outrageous vanity - always encouraged in her by the ass kissers that surround her. They tell her she looks like a very beautiful woman and she apparently believes the flattery. Her actions would indicate that.

So much bitchiness which I love.

Mossad has clearly been helping me under the table. Look who’s in charge.

I always hear Mossad and Chabad are “packed to the gills” with our people.

“It’s true. What you’re saying is true. The demons are losing it over this. You are more accurate than you know. Frequently.”

We have to take her train off the tracks.

It’s her and she’s framing David. Just like she’s doing to Sue.

“Elvis loves you so much. She is such a disgusting monster how she tortures all of us. I want her gone now. We need to unite against her now.”

“She relies on us and she harms us. Not smart.”

We’re all practically the same person.

If Mossad doesn’t want her than what now?? Will the castle vampires take her in?? Of course not.

She’s always trying to make it like Elvis is seducing all these women. It’s 1 of her favorite trips. But her whole reason for living is being a vocalist and his wife. Makes no sense. We want her away from us.

I’ve talked to Ben. Seemed very doll like to me. It’s up to the crowd. We are trapped. It’s backwards world.

David is telling me she is a depraved monster with a diseased brain. No, she should not be the policewoman of the planet. David has to deal with her incessant desire to harm me and Elvis. This passion of hers is destroying the planet. Every 1 must ask themselves what Covid was about?? It was about her desire to keep Elvis and Tanster apart.

This is absolutely true.

Then there is all this killing and carnage to keep her rituals going. She derives her power from incessant killing. She has to go.

He is effusive and very passionate and loquacious.

David has to enable her because he’s in a media front role. Like Sue. It’s this or the streets. Just like every 1 else.

I love scoops. We can be very bitchy with David.

“I’m fine with it.”

“She is so terrified of you and she should be.”

My whole life was setting her up.

She’s the 1 out on a limb. The vampires are easily removed from their castles by a crowd.

Take them back. Numbers.

We’re just publicists. We encourage you to take your chances.


There is much safety in a crowd and gain is likely.


“We’re so connected.”

“David Kushner and James Ortenzio are as you say.”

Don’t suppress us.

This is surprising but not at all given what we know and have been hearing.


Mossad could’ve shut me off and squashed me like a bug - a faction has been helping me.


Don’t blame Israel. Blame this horrific Canadian. Remove her from power.

David has been saving the world by helping me under the table. Thank you David. May we win.

“We will. We just have to keep fighting.”

She is the 1 radicalizing the world against herself. Not smart.