Melissa McCarthy + Ben Falcone

O she’s got the Wagner there. Now that I know Wagner’s all about this - and we can learn German from it - very interesting.

I was usually shamed for liking Wagner - same goes for Napoleon. Just right there - 2 of a kind.

“Ben wants his too.”

Miss Order of Canada surrounds me with coolers and uses mafia force to make people insult me, behold the results of her ridiculous protocol.

Thank you to all of you who are a part of this.

“And you are getting off so easy.”

Melissa: “You’re really getting to her. This person’s cover is always something something Elvis Costello. She exists to hide behind him and frame him. You have proven that he hates her and would do practically anything to cut her off of him like gangrene. It’s hard to prance around as a pretty princess music star while she orders torture and murder in the background with all this going on.”

Ben’s has Elvis’ birthday and Melissa’s is a day later. Ben was born the same year as me. Dave Chappelle has almost the same birthday as Ben (8.24.1973) and we talked to him yesterday.

Melissa is seething with rage and Ben is quite angry as well.


Another 1 of Elvis’ soldiers.


“You are really getting to her because her whole cover is this much vaunted ‘marriage’.”

She sings songs in a way to make it like he’s horrible to her. This is an insufferable 1. He just wants her to go away.

“She is so much worse than that.”

Melissa’s heart is very much in the right place. Please keep resisting. We are strong together.

Ben and I are close in age. Many of the “slower” planets are aligned in our synastry which suggests we’re potent as allies.