“I was always on your side.”
“In the mob kingpin’s world, things are not as they appear. She turns everything backwards on purpose. She needs to go.”
Dick was certainly high on the list of the ones vilified in my eyes.
“Yes and there is a reason for that. Lucifer in a dress was setting you up to kill me.”
Now she is trying to frame me as upper middle class when I’ve always been Cinderella - trapped and excluded.
We do not want this monster turning every thing backwards any more. It is so infuriating this person is making the rules so she can traffic people and torture. The mafia sold me into an arrangement and the legal system upholds it. She has to go.
Dick is portrayed as the worst on earth and who get a free ride in the press?? She says she’s a mommy charity saint big music star respected by the best and no 1 challenges her cover when it’s all CLEARLY FALSE.
I provoke her with the truth and she turns up her smearing to prove me right and the press keeps hiding her. Our story is constantly corroborated by her.
The facts are not in question.
“Not at all. We just have to keep pushing until we kick her off of us. Go now Monster.”
I had a lot of help from within the system. Looking back on my ridiculous captivity this song comes to mind:
The frustration of this aggravating exile turned me into a workaholic and I could get my hands on enough materials to prepare myself for now so WE can overturn the banking system. It’s thanks to all you good souls who have been nudging me.
I’m not operating independently. Look around at all the “worst”. Never forget who is the only 1 with bright gleaming official narrative media story which does not pass the smell test at all. She even gives herself the Order Of Canada - she has no fans.
Dick is wildly angry - just like every 1 else I talk to in this exploration. FEISTY and he knows things. He has zero difficulty relaying information to me. These are warning shots.
“Yes, this is snowballing. She needs to go now.”
The media is portraying reality the opposite of what it is at the behest of the mafia. This is also being done in our “private” lives as Lucifer in a dress pulls the strings to confuse us.
DICK = 4932 = Revolution About The Prophet Couple = 18 = Attention Slavery = 9 = End It
I’m just learning we’re very close spiritually and the chart shows it. He is a fun person when it’s not such a nightmare for all of us.
Sue at the police station has been telling me there has been quite a “brouhaha” going on over there. Dick’s appearance here should cause some more.
The supposed Vice President is a secret society media front. Can you think of any Vice President more vilified than Dick?? I can’t.