Anthony Albanese

He is saying that the truth is being spoken here. The situation is dire. He cannot stop the Frankists as he is their prisoner. Only a popular uprising all around the world targeting practicioners of mafia violence can do this. We have the numbers. We will never be free until this menace is confronted.

It’s not just D but it is D. She is an insane demon who must be stopped. She was behind Covid and so much more horrific loss of life. She will keep it up until she is stopped. No question about this. She is terrified of getting caught so all she does is turn it up.

Anthony is telling me I’m doing a great job and it’s thanks to me that we have not had to endure World War 3 but this menace is far too lethal to keep in power any longer. We must unite. Please everyone do what you can to stand up to evil.

SAM = 114 = Revolution To The Max = 6 = Love & Money

DAVIS = 41491 = Huge Revolt Renaissance = 19 = Huge Transformation = 1 = Get The Word Out!

Anthony is telling me he is Albo to his friends and we are friends though I’m just realizing it now. He is very kind and he wants Australia to finally know freedom. Australia has always been a prison of England and we need to earn ourselves a new day. Look within for the answers and you will find them.

Albo is a part of the solution in spades if the indicators in his charts are analyzed in accordance with the other data provided above. A leader is someone who knows how to behave with courage and a sense of self sacrifice. We should be so encouraged to learn that we do have genuine leaders in place once we learn how to stop secret society theft and violence.

GO AWAY NOW D. We will keep the pressure up until you stop harming us!!