Can you identify the person upholding the global policy of silence against me?

Who would have the motive and the opportunity and the human trafficking operations to cover up?

  1. Vampire bankers are the only ones who can get all that sweet money.

  2. To live we have to go along with them.

  3. Then they put D in charge of getting their human food so she has to brainwash the public through media into going along with this.

  4. Then she uses her command over the Justice system to lock up or kill anyone who gets in her way.

  5. The intimidation leads everyone into committing her crimes for her. Her policy of silence against me hurts me and the people who have to pretend to ignore me. Leaving me stuck in a sham arrangement that I cannot exit causes harm all around. But D must protect her terrorism, human trafficking and war making operations.

  6. Then D plays all these games trying to make us fight each other over what she is doing.

  7. Frankism is all about them finagling us into doing the wrong thing for them. What choice do we have they own the system? How else will we get food and shelter?

D is so important because she is the luciferian we have all been looking for. She is the 1 to lead our way to the future. She’s the drop of ocean water that contains the essence of it all. She is a parasite. Her luck is not our luck. Our luck is not her luck.

Elvis helps me write the blog. This parasite relies on someone very hostile to her interests. Everyone I speak to seems very impressed with his intelligence and power. If she really knew him she would’ve played all this very differently.