Leslie Odom Jr.

“They are losing it because you are making it abundantly clear that you can do to any of them what you are doing to D. Her life is ON FIRE now. She cannot coverup her slaving anymore. She cannot cover up her terrorism anymore. She cannot cover up the torture she inflicts on children and how she forces unwilling people to participate it the horror that comes from her diseased mind. She needs to go. We all need to unite about it. She was unwise to force herself on you and Elvis because she built her castle on 2 people who have power she knows nothing about.”

“D can’t get a genuine fan with all the Mossad in the world clearing the way for her big music career and yet she thinks she can continue suppressing and ruining the lives of the ones who are clearly worshipped. Now that’s magical thinking.”

Our synastry abounds in indicators we are culture warriors in a slave revolution.

I have made many predictions that have come true and I have foreseen what is coming. That’s why I always say D should have made a deal with us during the 6 months Elvis was warning her what he was about to do. How could we have said no? I had practically forgotten about her existence before Elvis brought her up to me.

He is running this campaign and she is a parasite who attached herself to him. Do you really think Mossad is going to be there for her through thick and thin? Will the vampires be there for her if she cannot deliver them human blood and meat?

Did she really think her manner of life through and what could happen?

“Our only way out of this is unity. Please everyone let’s pull together to let mafia predators know that we do not consent to their theft and abuse.”