From The Other Side: Big Ang

Is telling me what I’m saying is right. She is being framed also just like everybody else who likes Tanster. What the mafia leadership (Hi D) is doing is very wrong and it must change or it’s curtains for humanity.

Ang tells me she is another 1 gone before her time and that she had a lot of helpers scooting her over to the other side.

Please note the pattern of all of these mafia front celebrities who just so happened to die in their 50s (Jan Hooks & Stephen Hillenburg) right before D’s big push to force WW3 on us. Which she is still trying because the secret societies clearly cannot dispense with this element of their nightmare plot.

I sense these departed souls are coming through to me like this because we are dealing with: UNFINISHED BUSINESS.

Ang is telling me this is indeed correct. She was a supernatural person on earth and she is more so now. Her enemies can expect all kinds of surprises.

I did watch Mob Wives and Big Ang exuded such warmth and kindness and people flocked to her. Now when I google her she is as blackened as it gets while D - who came up with Covid - still has her gleaming white mommy with babies big music star official narrative story circulating around her name.

As the media is operating under a global policy of silence against me.

D is currently running human trafficking operations.

While Big Ang is dead before her time and she is very telepathic with me and our synastry indicates we are mafia slavery activists.

Once again we see the media is creating impressions which are the opposite of the truth.

Who benefits? A slaver like D benefits.

I am so against mafia abuse because I was captured through trickery and financial means into a mafia trap. We should not be surprised so many others stuck in their filth were and are also fighting best they could. The more I have to look at evil herself, the more I want it gone.

Ang’s chart indicates that she was on an activist mission concerning hidden power and banking. Clearly it’s not done yet!!