Melissa Gorga

is telling me she is being compelled to play a character which is the opposite of what she is in reality. She is being framed and threatened. She wants everyone to know that she is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT against mafia abuse - always has been. She is trying to change the system from within. She is living under horrendous conditions and she hopes that everyone will learn what is in their best interests. We should all be uniting to stand up against mafia abuse. That is the only way to freedom. All of us pulling together constantly everywhere.

Where is Melissa Gorga’s site?? Are D’s ridiculous tactics blowing up in her face like they almost always do??

Melissa and her husband Joey are coming through to me together and I’m shockingly realizing that I do know them spiritually somehow. I would like to note that Joey was born in Paterson, NJ which always reminds me of Napoleon because his brother JOSEPH lived there after Napoleon was captured by the Luciferian menace ruling England and elsewhere.

Melissa was born in Bayonne, NJ. Bayonne is also a city in France. Napoleon was in Bayonne when he was getting set up into a horrible bloody mess in Spain.

Our synastry shows we are spiritually connected activists informing about the mafia.

Anyone can see that Melissa is very strong. Her chart shows that this strength is well needed because she is on a mission to battle slavery.