From The Other Side: Shane McGowan

He is telling me he is very much a part of this shift in culture. He was always on my side and a devil was forced on both him and Elvis. Shane is saying everything was done by the luciferians to destroy his life. He hopes very much that the public is taken over with the understanding that their true best interests are in uniting against the luciferian mafia menace. The people who always did the wrong thing and played the music star when they were really parasites forced on us need to be seen for what they are. D is 1 of such people. The problem is identified by behavior.

The luciferians sent 2 who could never be genuine music stars but wanted to be to shut down my prospects and to destroy our lives. Elvis and Shane both abhor these 2 with a passion. This I know for sure.

These 2 are partners scheming against humanity in the shadows and Shane and Elvis want it known that this infernal pair are in the service of the child torturers.

Our synastry reflects that we are warriors in a slave uprising.

Shane’s chart very much reflects that he was on a Justice mission. Apparently, it still continues.

What do you think this song is about??