Elisabeth Shue

In some other realm, I’m very close friends with Elisabeth and we understand each other perfectly. It’s shocking but it really is D. We cannot understand why the secret societies put this dumbass in charge. HK’s strategies might have worked for him but they are not working for D at all. Calling everyone honest an “antisemite” or a “conspiracy theorist” wasn’t something that was going to work forever. Particularly when the goons under D are perfectly cognizant that not only can she not protect them but they are surrounded by her victims who can unite and do all kinds of things and get away with these projects perfectly with no negative ramifications whatsoever. Vengeance is the solution when secret society criminals are standing in the way of our love and our future. D should go away now.

Elisabeth is an incredible thoughtful person who is such a real leader. When we get the secret society crooks out of the way, we will find out how wonderful all these people I’m interviewing truly are. These subjects are angels who are being FRAMED by the money owners. We are not choosing our jobs or relationships - all kinds of choices have been taken from us.

We need to deliver what I’ve been promising. We can if I get a blank check. That’s all I need.