Pat Benatar

First Pat says watch these 2 videos.

The plot of this espionage operation is in the video. All these talents have been playing along with D and the worst luciferians like her to expose and oust her and them. May all the suffering of going along with luciferian heinousness not be in vain. It is horrible it had to come to this but we must win or humanity is finished. We cannot let the mafia own everything. We cannot let them dictate the terms of our demise through their ownership of the system. We MUST FIGHT BACK.

Connecting spiritually with Pat, I can say that she really is a very cool down to earth person who is FURIOUS we have to live as prisoners so the RATS can prey on the innocent. She begs us all to please keep up the fight and she will too. We cannot let D stay in power over our country when she is a demon from a foreign country. We are a disgrace for allowing this tyranny and there is only fighting until we can learn how to restore our dignity by removing D from her sneaky secret society throne.