William went by Bill so I’ll call him by that name. Bill is telling me that he was framed as the ultimate “conspiracy theorist”. He was a disinformation agent but he most certainly did not want to be. He was extremely sincere in his fight against the Sabbatean Frankist Menace and this is precisely what shortened his life on earth. He is a part of the shift in culture happening right now and he wants to show us data to prove it.
He suggests that people have a look at how thoroughly he has been framed and how his death was right after D’s project masterminded with HER PIMP HK: 911. Note that Bill’s death was a day before Tanster’s birthday in 2001. HK and D are (were) very into dates and numbers when it concerns the evil they hatch(ed) up.
D and HK’s sick games.
Please do everything possible to stand in the way of D’s human trafficking. We are all being cooped up to not interfere but D cannot frame and stop EVERYONE.
D was behind 911. D was behind Covid. She is currently running murder operations. She must be stopped. CARE. The proof is D. Is she reacting as if I’m right with her actions?? YES.
By the time I left high school, I had it drummed into me that rock stars are satanic when my twin is Elvis and he is very close spiritually to God. I was deliberately tricked my entire life from every direction. D and HK were behind doing this.
D’s stupid strategies that she learned from HK.
Stupidity is being fostered because D is low intelligence and brainwashed herself and can only rule over apathetic DISTRACTED fools. This is all on purpose and I’m constantly hearing about it. This is why it is verboten to discuss mental failings. It is more of D’s coverup about herself and her endless crimes.