Michael Moore

He’s telling me we’ve always been together spiritually. He saw me a few times in “real life” and he did not like it at all that the mafia has ordered him to pretend to ignore me. This decree on their part has created immense anger that we are all betting will bring down D and the other monsters that prop up her INFERNAL AUTHORITY.

Michael is emphasizing to me repeatedly, “it’s all true”.

I just finished looking at Bob Weinstein’s chart and now I’m about to analyze Michael’s. They were both born within months of Elvis in 1954. 54 can read as revolution of the mind. All 3 are extremely involved in the present revolution of the mind. The fact that they were all born around the same time might lead us to expect that their energies would be greatly amplified if they collaborate. Their “slow planets”, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto will all be similarly placed in their natal charts.

Our synastry shows repeated indications that we are mafia banking slavery activists.

Anyone can see Michael is a fighter on a mission but I couldn’t understand it. His chart reflects that he is fighting about forbidden love and mafia banking abuse. He - like Bob Weinstein and Elvis - have Pluto in Leo. This can indicate all three are born regime changers.