Chris Cuomo is telling me

That he is exrtremely fed up. It really is essentially D suppressing the media so she can continue her child trafficking operation cover up. That’s what the media is really for these days. Covering up for the monstrous crimes of this fraud who won’t go away or stop thieving and murdering.

I know I’ve seen Chris Cuomo get plenty of bad press. Did we ever hear anything but glowing encomium for the big respected extremely beautiful and motherly music star from Canada with the awful husband? The big celebrity with no fans but lots of money and threats propping her up?

Chris is telling me that at the behest of D (and her friends) he was put into situations to create animosity between us. When I was a celebrity photographer, I was sent to photograph him. He says that he knew me and was on my side then but he had to pretend none of this is going on in the background.

The Podesta Emails situation was a way in which Chris was framed into appearing oppositional to me ALSO.

Background if you’re new: There are many horrific crimes in the Podesta Emails but we now understand that these horrible events came from D as part of her control system to keep the people under her compromised and guilty.

She has the power to make others do her crimes for her and this is what we are trying to change. Chris Cuomo is clearly John’s ally in these emails. Chris was also brought into the media brouhaha whipped up to frame John and Chris for what really originates from despotic D’s sick head.

Chris is in the same boat as John and Elvis and countless others. They are trying to fight for change from within the system and they had little choice regarding methods. There is no sustenance during our time without making a deal with the mafia. Tanster is doing a good job showing this and this reality must change.

Today is Chris’s Birthday. A great time to bring him attention.

We see above a complement to what I’m hearing from Chris. We’re media activists.

Chris is an empath activist wanting to turn things around.

I’m extremely grateful to know I’m connected to Chris. I wish I could say Happy Birthday. I’ll do what I can for you because I can feel that your heart is in the right place. It is absurd that people in New York who care about each other are forbidden to be friends because of mafia monopoly.