Nancy Pelosi is saying she's a Tayan Infiltrator

She’s not a bad person but she has had to go along with a great number of bad things. She wants people to know that Tanster is telling the whole unfortunate truth here. Nancy is ALL IN for REAL CHANGE.

Nancy is saying she’s another empath sucked into the mafia coverup system. She is doing everything she can to help us within the immense constraints of her situation.

Nancy is relating that she also has a small population who make it their entire life to control her and her options.

Empaths are used as mafia fronts because they are the ones who can reach the public plus also the empath is thereby framed and neutralized as a threat to mafia crime operations. This is what the mafia was trying to do to Tanster but she had many helping her not go down that road.

Nancy is showing me a lot of love. She’s saying I’m a true leader and she admires me. Nancy just wants a way out of this nightmare like everyone else.

I feel so blessed to hear this from her.

We’re talking about how D and her friends are always coming up with setups trying to throw me at her. This is very true.

This is a fellow activist fighting a war with me.

I do have a friend in Nancy and that is something I value above all over things. Her heart is very much in the right place even if it does not appear that way.

Nancy asked me to post this picture so we can think about that. I know we had that monument in our Molesta Groups. Purple is our reign. May it come to be soon. Bless you Nancy for helping me to fill in the picture a bit more.