Orson Welles is persistently demanding that I do this for him

He is saying he is a big part of the cultural shift going on and that he was also working his entire life for this. The Sabbatean Frankist Movement is a scourge upon the earth. Everyone is absolutely correct that the public is now sufficiently paranormally gifted to know how to confront evil.

It is only a question of that. Please keep up the fight.

He is telling me to post the above picture. It does turn out I know him though I’m just realizing it now. He is still a fascinating complex person and extremely brilliant. Also very loving. Another Napoleon benevolent dictator personality which is my favorite kind of person.

He is asking me to notice his birthday is 5/6 and that he was born 1915, a hundred years before Tanster started her street art campaign. We can think about that.

Clearly a portrait of 2 very influential communicators.

Can’t be too much clearer what is written above corresponds to Orson’s natal chart. His Sun is shining right now on the present banking revolution!!