Justin Trudeau is telling me that he is being set up and framed

And that he is very much on our side. We can count him as another fed up Canadian who wants real change. He has zero interest or desire in covering up child trafficking for D and her friends.

Justin is saying that he is another trapped empath. What he can do is very limited. He wants real freedom and change for Canada and the world.

He wants to echo what others are saying: we need unity very much at the street level to push back mafia dominance. Street thugs and “wardens” like the ones around him and Tanster are very much the problem.

Our unity and refusal to cave in to bribes and threats are the antidote. Tanster is setting a good example. Fight best you can. He is doing everything possible to move us in the RIGHT direction under constrained nightmarish conditions.

A kid in the hall.

I’m very sorry for the pain I caused you.

Justin’s natal chart shows another conflicted warrior fighting for change from within the system.

Thank you so much for letting me know you better. All we can do is our best to keep this fight going until we are blessed enough to know how to free ourselves from the slavers who force themselves on us via banking and violence.