Tom Petty Is telling me

He was murdered and framed. He is very much a part of the shift going on right now and that talented people like him will continue to be physically destroyed as so long as banking mass murderers like D continue to be NOT apprehended.

He’s asking me to post the video above and to watch it.

The chart above shows we are fighters in the same war. Tom stresses for us to take responsibility for ourselves and our future by standing up for Justice. Don’t let his murder be in vain. Bankers are constantly killing people and they threaten and force entertainers to cover it up for them - or they are jailed and murdered.

This must stop. It’s gone on way too long. Tanster is right when she says it’s D propping up the vampires behind her. D is the connection between child trafficking and the ENDLESS media coverup about it.

Above: Hints all over about the time bomb art miracle being revealed NOW. Lots of dear faces that we see fighting this fight every chance they get.

Tom’s natal chart reveals and validates that he was on a mission and it turns out that he is still very interested if what is happening with us. I know that he is 1 of the giants of this work we are performing TOGETHER.