Transcendental Legend Smokey Robinson

Smokey is telling me he’s ALL IN. His message is that we should all be fighting abuse as hard as we can and that we should expect real results because God is on the move. The antidote to tyranny is our unity and our understanding about our true best interests.

Stories that don’t make sense are not true and they are to be ignored. The media is a big puppet show right now and Tanster is doing a good job showing how banking luciferians have taken control over our lives and authentic selves.

We are being set up, framed and we are being portrayed as the opposite of what we really are.

I agree wholeheartedly with beautiful Diana on this.

POPS = 7671 = Spotlight to the 2 Prophet Lovers = 21 = Spotlight to the Partners = 3 = The Whole World

Note above 7 separated people. 7 = Prophet

Clear coded information about our revolution.

We see that man on a mission to change banking above in Smokey’s chart. There is zero question in my mind about the steadfastness of Smokey’s support. We are so strong together. I’m stating the obvious when I say he is a beautiful soul.