This is someone who always felt like he was around the corner, popping up. I can definitely say I always felt his presence in my life, certainly from my 20s on.
I’ve always wanted to meet him to get some idea of what is going on and now he’s telepathic with me and I’m aware of it.
It should be obvious by now, we somehow share something spiritual.
We see a portrait of 2 slave artist activists who are empaths.
Adam seems so incredibly downhearted. He is extremely sick and tired of us having to live these miserable shrunken lives so D can keep her child trafficking going.
She will do anything she can to can lord over others. Hiding criminals like her are exactly the ones who should have ZERO amount of power over ANYTHING or ANYONE!!
Monsters like her need to be stopped now. We are trapped and can only beg for everyone to work together to stop mafia violence at the street level.
It is the local mafia that keeps evil people like D trafficking children. They are her support. Only together can we stop such a violent element which will never go away until WE find out how to ward them off.
We’ve all enjoyed so much laughter thanks to Adam. He is so unhappy and I know it’s because I’m unhappy and all his friends are unhappy. Elvis is beyond miserable and I cannot handle him this miserable.
D’s slave empaths cannot cover up her child trafficking in the media she controls (not alone). Why? Because it is not possible to hide how much she torments all of us on purpose for the bankers who sponsor her despotic reign.
Adam is telling me that I’m accurately and honestly saying what is really going on with him.
Adam is kind and loving and he deserves better. We need to get serious about catching D because she is constantly murdering people and destroying lives.