Ed Sheeran has some things to say:

First he’s like to share this picture from his birthday.

Please note the numbers of his birthday.

He wants to validate that Tanster is hitting the target all too well. D is a menace to society and we are all living to see her gone. Tanster does not post how much we hate her. (That is most certainly true.)

D has created a machine of murder and abuse so she can lord over us and force us to lie for her and to front her crimes. She was very much behind Covid, 911 and countless truly countless other atrocities.

D has committed her life to destroying not only Tanster’s life and prospects but to obliterating legions of innocent children. The damage this person has done is truly incalculable. We are all fighting the best we can to expose this menace fronting the other frightful mess vampires behind her.

Our Synastry indicates 2 supernatural people fighting slavery.

Today is the perfect day for Ed to bring his fiery spark to our revolution. Mars is transiting his natal Mars in Gemini (communications).

He asks everyone to please keep fighting. D and her friends don’t think they are quite as tough as they used to. We are all communicating freely telepathically. We have the information edge. We have the talents. We have the support. Money depends on mass adoption and D has zero fans. She can’t do her shit without us.

Let her think about that when she keeps coming up with all her disgusting games and tricks. Anyone with a spiritual connection knows that she is angering God. Let her keep it up and she’ll see.

Thank you Ed for sharing your feelings with us. I am certain they are EXTREMELY SINCERE.