Dan Reynolds is knocking

Dan is very much a force of nature which anyone can see from his work.

Dan is also saying the situation is intolerable and it must change. Everything is upside down. Good people are prisoners so thieves and cannibals can feed as they please.

A portrait emerges of 2 warriors fighting slavery.

Talking to Dan, I can tell that he is so heartbroken that we all have to suffer and live broken miserable lives because of child trafficking grifters like D.

She will do anything to keep her privilege and the harm she causes to others seems to be part of the fun for her. She should not be a sneaky ruler of anything. She should be removed from power immediately.

No one questions if Dan gets it. What a talent and a great band. Your love and support has been invaluable. My life has been so bad that right now is relatively easy. My major suffering is in seeing your suffering and in knowing that D gets to torture and thieve as she pleases and that she is hurting us. Thank you Dan and everyone for keeping up the fight. It will make a strong enough to overthrow D and her cannibals friends who own banking.