Alex Soros is telling me that he is on our side

I’m very glad to hear that. I am always sorry for my misunderstanding good intentions.

Alex is telling me that he is very much against child trafficking and that we are entirely correct in pointing the finger at D. She will perform any heinous act if it suits her. She has zero morals or concern for anyone but herself. She is very much a menace to society and we all want her away from us.

Alex is showing me that he is extremely concerned about abuse - as much as I am.

I am very sorry for the trouble I have caused you and your father George.

Connecting with Alex’s energy, I can feel he’s a hurting, thoughtful person. The opposite of how he has been portrayed. He is clearly another being framed for what D initiates so she can keep up her murdering and thieving at our expense.

Our synastry reflects very well what is being related above. We are part of an underground religion. Clearly left hand path crooks like D are making it impossible for us to practice our faith openly.

Another snapshot of someone fighting for freedom.

I am extremely grateful to Alex for filling me in what is really happening with him. I am connected to him though I didn’t realize it until now.