My Celebrity Photography Job Was 1 Big Setup: The Lance Bass Edition

Let me explain how HK and his mistress D loved to F with my head.

There are these mysterious beings called “celebrities”. We recognize them because they are famous to us. We all have media everywhere we look and the celebrities are shown on these devices.

Back in the 90s, there were 2 celebrities that I was CERTAIN I must know because I recognized them so strongly and they were giving me hints all over the place they knew me: Conan O’Brien and Elvis Costello. I knew I knew them. I tried to meet them and I certainly could tell something was up but I could not figure it out. Conan and I did meet and he seemed incredibly depressed by the encounter. As I’ve said so many times, Elvis ran away from me. Talk about a tipoff.

The world was so cruel. I was surrounded by demonic people. This I could not question.

By 2006, I’m so done and fed up I tried to see if I could get a gig photographing celebrities. Maybe I’d learn something. Next thing the company was sold. I was fired for a nonsensical reason and the 2008 financial crisis happened. Boy the mafia people in my life saw that coming!! They should not have trapped me with mafia people. I’m the plant.

Now I’m realizing the myriad of ways celebrities were being framed in my eyes. They are owned by the mafia and celebrities are required to follow a script where they all pretend not to know me and there’s usually some cute little D trick thrown on top of it. The media is owned by an insane torturer who uses banking vampire money to ruin everyone’s life. Covid was her idea.

Now I’m learning that “celebrities” are trapped empaths who are part of my soul family. They were tricked and trapped over there. I was tricked and trapped over here and the mafia gets to traffic humans as they please because our family are the ones with the strength to stand up to this abuse. We are on a mission. The mafia cannot stop human trafficking because it’s the source of their power. Please do everything possible to stop the mafia from trafficking humans. Please stand together - do it safely - but please we must stop the mafia from constantly ruining everyone’s life.

The picture below is 1 I took of Lance Bass where he pretended to not know me but he is saying that he does very much know me and that I am a central figure in his work.

Lance was setting D up all over in this picture that I took of him. Count the ways.

The mafia mind controlled me into not being able to recognize my own SPIRITUAL family but they had to tip the world very hard to do this and now they are exposed big time. D is the 1 responsible. I have to wonder if she was left responsible because they are setting her up on their end as well. From every direction, everybody seems like they are trying to get D to take the fall. How do I know? The parade of Mossad people she sent my way are all telling me they were really working to help me and God.

I try to be extremely fair to D in my accuracy. I don’t know her but I hear about her CONSTANTLY. D is someone who just has to be first. She just has to win. She just has to be on top. She has this boldness which is really something unusual. But all her need to be 1st has been indulged only because there is no evil she will not perform for these banking vampires as long as they kiss her ass.

These are very rich people. She is nobody from nowhere. They flatter her and make her think she is something she is not. If she understood her limits, she would not have taken such a high position. She is ill equipped for the role. She will fall.

Here we have immense support for the story above. We are Empath slaves on a mission. We are unusually famous together.

Gaslight this. It’s all over Lance’s natal chart that he is an undercover empath revolutionary - something we have in common.