What will we learn about Dr. Dre?

In some other world that I’m only realizing about now, I know Dr. Dre. His name is André Romell Young. He is someone who dreams of real change for humanity as I do.

The media tries to force it into our heads that we have all these gender issues - we don’t. None of this matters. There is incessant talk about racism because the one running the media - D - wants racism. D is incessantly playing every trick to frame Elvis as racist. NOT TRUE. These are not real problems. The Sabbatean Frankists live to create problems that don’t really exist to tie us up so we won’t go after their human trafficking operations.

D supplies vampires with the blood of tortured children. That is their food. All of this is about them getting their food. If D cannot supply these wealthy vampires with their food, they have not much use for her. The media exists to help D murder children. All I can do is to ask everyone everywhere to find out about D’s human trafficking operations and to sabotage them and to run them into the ground. Her power comes from her murder machine. We must stop these monsters.

Dr. Dre told me to put the clip above up and he says that’ll send a message. He’s been putting up with far too much for too long and he plans on seeing that changing real soon.

D can’t get 1 fan but she tortures people who I’m now sure can command a crowd with their mind. If we can accomplish this convincing exposé through the miracle of our telepathic connection, what else can we do?

Even we don’t know yet because our powers are constantly increasing while the Sabbatean Frankist ability to fool has gone out the window.

Dr. Dre is telling me like everyone else I’m talking to - he is being set up and framed and trapped and tormented and he is not someone to mess with.

Dr. Dre is saying it is not difficult to spot the stupid not hidden hand of D and her flying monkeys. Carefully note everything about the ones still helping her murder and create problems. EVERYTHING. Document them. Do everything to sabotage them and to neutralize their power. Talk about them. The problem is D and the ones who do her bidding when she picks up that phone. Hopefully we’ll get these parasites away from us as soon as possible.

D can’t so anything without her flying monkeys and her murder machine. She’s not going to come out and do anything her own self.