Hello Hayden Christensen - Another Angry Canadian

He’s telling me, this is real, believe it. I have been waiting for the right moment and here it is.

When we hear about D and her sterling official narrative story, it is usually very much central to how she likes to be portrayed that she is Canadian. As if the good reputation of Canadians around the world serves as a cover for the limitless malice she unleashes on this unfortunate planet. EVEN THAT is backfiring because 1 after the other, we see Canadians are extremely angry she is using this good reputation to help her own coverup about herself so she can continue harming and abusing everyone she can manage to destroy.

Hayden is telling me he has been fighting his entire life for this turnaround in culture and he believes we will pull it off and the world will be a far better place then. (He is not alone in this belief.)

I hear the same from everyone. Since I could consciously hear him telepathically, Elvis always told me D is a terrorist, war maker, human trafficker media liar who must be stopped.

All he wants is us free of this insane monster. But the system works for her because she supplies tortured children to the owners of banking who get to do as they please thanks to D.

None of us have a future or real life choices until we learn how to remove D from her sneaky authority.

Hayden is ADAMANT I’m understating the urgency of the problem.

Hayden is molten lava angry about being stuck covering up for the mafia. Our synastry shows passionate warriors who care very much about ending slavery.

Hayden is all in and he’s doing everything he can to turn this nightmare around from within the system. He is being setup and framed. He wants D out of his life now just like everyone else who understands what she and the Sabbatean Frankists are doing to us. We are all their victims. It’s about spreading the word.

The true story is the congruent 1 and the banking vampires cannot prevail over a public that understands the immense power and potential that we can wield as 1.

Hayden suggested I put the video above to show crowd behavior. A crowd can act as 1 just like birds can.