Donna Karan

Donna is someone I photographed when I was a celebrity photographer. I did recognize her but I dismissed it. That whole job was a setup because people in my soul family had to pretend to not know me. This is the nature of the brainwashing directed at me. The mafia pulls the strings and how could I know everyone was pretending? How could I imagine the whole thing has been a Truman Show type setup? This is a powerful form of mind control that Mossad has been trying on me but it sure can backfire.

DKNY = 4257 = Revolution & Understanding About The 2 Prophets = 18 = Warning They’re Trapped = 9 = Death & Rebirth

We are 1.

Warm and caring Donna is on a mission with me to fight slavery.

Donna is from Long Island like I am and she has seen way too much. This sneaky crew need to get out of our country. We must stand United until we are free of them. D is very much the problem. GET OUT NOW D.