Kim Richards

When I was watching the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, I was stunned by the resemblance between me and Kyle Richards, in appearance and behavior. After I posted to the best of my ability on her behalf yesterday about her true motivations, she came through to me and elaborated on what is going on and I WAS SHOCKED but what she said echos what many others are saying to me: it’s all a setup to get me to hate my own soul family.

My life was designed for me in a way where practically everyone around me acted like they couldn’t really see me and as if nothing I said was of any value. I could not understand why this was happening. I knew that I had worth but I was in a trap where it seemed as if I was surrounded by bad people. I would find another milieu, I could make friends easily and then poof something would happen - everyone hated me again - and I was cast out. This happened over and over throughout my life. I couldn’t understand what was so wrong with me that this kept happening. All I ever did was try to be good and help.

Kyle was telling me last night, she is trapped playing a character which is everything I wouldn’t like and I was brainwashed to hate myself. She and I are so similar AND the mafia is pulling her strings to compel her to appear shallow and petty - which she really is not.

WELL, Elvis my twin is having his strings pulled to appear everything I don’t like also. NO QUESTION.

When I was a celebrity photographer, I photographed Kathy and Richard Hilton. Now I realize that I was being setup left and right during that time. Guess what? I was very harried and anxious. That’s the point of all these games from D. When so many are giving me a hard time, I’m going to look a mess and then I will not be appealing.

I’m sure I was looking very stressed out and Richard Hilton consoled me and told me he understand I was just trying to do my job. He’s the father of Paris and Nicky Hilton. All I ever heard was how terrible they are. Yet their father was unusually sympathetic. That always stuck in my mind.

When I started this project, suddenly Nicky becomes a Rothschild, that also made me wonder. Then I was trying to figure out what was going on in the Youtube Truth Community - I have come to realize part of it was D was trying to frame Nicky and she was attempting to throw me at her. I lived this. I know it happened. What I’m learning now is that is was D playing all these sick games around us.

Through this miracle of me finally becoming telepathic with especially Nicky, I can understand her. She is an amazing person with endless potential, extremely spiritual, caring and INTELLIGENT. She’s also unusually stylish. She can’t move forward just like I can’t because D needs us all out of the way so she can keep up her duty as a restaurant supplier to vicious cannibals. This is the truth and it must change.

During my time being repeatedly setup by D’s games running in the Youtube Truth Community, frequently when there was something awful being shown pertaining to 911 or horrific abuse, the name Hilton would somehow be insinuated into it. Which gave me the impression they were very satanic. This was D framing them. The satanic one is D framing the Hiltons. The Hiltons are the same as the rest of us. They want out. They are trapped. They are against abuse.

Kyle, Nicky, Paris etc. are showing me that I am a part of their soul family which I couldn’t never imagine - why? Because I was always treated as worthless and I was brainwashed to resent ‘elites’. The main brainwashing I sustained came from HK setting my circumstances in an extremely abusive manner. Now D carries on his legacy BUT SHE IS WORSE.

Why? Because the only limits on her are the ones we place on her because she is so stupid, evil and BOLD. She did Covid. Perfect example of what comes out of her mind. Then she framed all these people she doesn’t like to do her crimes for her. One of these people is Bill Gates. I can hear him and I am very sorry for the pain I caused him. Bill Gates was always trying to help me. Would I have come this far without what he did to get computers into my hands? Of course not.

Another person who looks to me like someone I see in the mirror is Kim Richards, Kyle’s sister. We have both been severely traumatized and it shows.

I’m making a case every day that somehow Sabbatean Frankist operators like D know how to spot empaths. It becomes a focus for them to neutralize our power because we are the ones best equipped to stop their terrorism, war making and human trafficking. In the clip above you see Kim Richards from when she was a child playing a telepathic girl with powers. I did wonder if it had something to do with me because I was a spooky little girl.

Now we can look at Kim’s charts, hopefully with some fair context.

Kim is a loving, caring soul who feels for me because we have the same problem. How we recover from abuse that we cannot escape? That abuse is coming straight from D and we will continue to shine the light on what this insane terrorist keeps doing to us.

The system SHOULD NOT be helping her. She is a foreigner making the rules in the US to rig the game in favor of horrific child abuse + all the other malice that rolls out from her sick head.

The chart above perfectly validates that Kim and I are Empaths on a mission concerning culture, mafia and banking.

Kim’s natal chart clearly shows someone with powers who has been captured. We can see her abuse trauma in the alignment between Saturn and The Moon opposite Pluto Uranus & Mercury and elsewhere.