Hello Fiona Apple

Fiona is telling me that her situation is miserable. She is trapped and stuck going in circles. Everything on this blog is true and we all need to face it and to get real about what we can all do to save ourselves. If everything is upside down, we’re going to have to turn ourselves upside down to fix it. What else can we do? Doing what we’ve been doing landed us here in nowheresville.

There is a lot of love between us. I respect and admire her. We’re clearly in the same soul family but I’m only really grasping it now.

Shocker!! Elvis is asking me to sing along with I Want You - his incredible song. Fiona blew me away with her version!!

Fiona and I are badass warriors battling mafia abuse.

Fiona and I share our feelings and we are both so incredibly sad that we are stuck in hell and cannot escape because D can command the system against us. Because of D there are assassins all over hunting me. I hope they all get caught too.

If WE win and I find out about them it won’t go well.

Everyone is recording the bad guys names right now.

Fiona is a force of nature - capable of ANYTHING. D messed with the wrong people because her witchcraft is lying and she’s exposed so it’s game over for her and all the grifters that sit around living to suppress us.