When Does Dana Carvey Get His?

Dana is showing me that it is like Being John Malkovich. He knows my habits.

I can never understand why people would want to be around my boring trapped life but I’m assured even by Elvis that I’ve been having much more fun doing my projects than the nightmare they are living under the thumb of insane psychotic D.

I cannot say this enough, these artists trapped under D’s luciferian banking authority live and breathe for her downfall. Her evil nature is exactly what drives such support in my direction. She may have had quite the free ride on the backs of HK, these artists and the Sabbatean Frankists but we are all doing everything we can to bring about the end of her reign of terror.

Our synastry shows funny activists who are spiritually connected but we are being blocked by mafia operators.

Dana’s chart shows what I know to be true. Dana is doing his best but he is enslaved by mafia force and monopoly. He asks us to all please keep resisting and fighting and he will too.