Meg Ryan

Meg Ryan is telling me to put the trailer below up and to watch it. It is shocking what’s going on!!

I’m hearing the same story from multiple voices and directions. It’s going to happen and this 1 will be too smug and arrogant to know when to get out. My sources have PROVEN they are prophetic from their work. Yet D still doesn’t seem to have 1 fan despite all the Mossad, mafia force and banking money in the world propping up her farcical music career and sham domestic arrangements.

Meg is a powerful, feisty and KIND Empath who hurts so much for the needless suffering we are enduring so Sabbatean Frankists can continue exploiting us. We are right when we unite and stand strong against thieving abusers.

Meg’s chart shows a Lightworker on a mission to combat slavery Abuse.