Kevin Bacon!!

Watch these trailers.

People were always saying this project is Footloose. Kevin is coming through to me with Kyra. I am shocked to realize we are in the same soul family. I did photograph them when I was a celebrity photographer but they had to pretend not to know me because they have been captured into going along with the mafia ban against me.

They seemed like an extremely kind couple then and I can see that they are both decent people as they appear to be. They are both very much ALL IN. They do not want to be trapped. They do not want to coverup D’s reign of terror. They have been working their entire lives to turn this infernal nightmare around.

We are all blending.

Emotional wizards here to shake it up.

I love to channel someone like Kevin because we all know his voice and what sounds like him.

I am a bit ashamed throwing so venom but we have proven over and over that she is our captor. We are enslaved by her. GO AWAY NOW D. The system should not be backing up a mass murderer currently on a killing rampage.

She has been trying to frame me as a Hitler because that is what she is - except Hitler was probably more of a patsy. She is really responsible!!

Every single person I talk to tells me D really is completely evil. It’s so bad that they all practically say hi and goodbye as “they will be destroyed”.

These are all the nicest most loving people who do nothing but suffer because of D’s endless luciferian torment. I am understating things. You can see I am nothing but encouraged in discussing this topic. This D is way worse than Hitler, she’s as bad as HK but worse because she’s so stupid and vain.

Kevin has all the power within himself to take on D and respect to him.