Alex Jones Tells Me

He’s not Bill Hicks. It’s a convincing manufactured hoax by the bankers who need to constantly distract people with nonsense so they can keep up their cannibalism. Because that’s the purpose of banking - finding ways to suppress us so they can eat what they like.

I’m not surprised to hear from him telepathically because he is extremely charismatic and talented and he is hilarious and extremely high energy. You can also see he wants to tell the truth.

It turns out I know Alex. I beg your forgiveness for misunderstanding your intentions. Alex is completely against the Sabbatean Frankists.

Alex’s natal chart reveals he’s an Angel Supertitan. Good thing he’s on our side. I can feel him and he is very kind and loving. Just like everyone else in our group - we are very vengeful when a ghoul like D harms someone we love.

I had to be in a totally fake world so I would not know how to develop my talents.

I think this is a message about how I’m a very avid user of tin foil.

Thank you Alex for sharing yourself so we can know you better. Your charisma, talent, humor and BOLDNESS are qualities I greatly admire.