Tim Dildarian

TIM = 294 = Revolution & Resurrection For The Couple = 15 = Spread Understanding = 6 = Love

I have very much been brainwashed to revile celebrities and part of that has been from getting kicked around and insulted. GO AWAY D. Stop ruining our lives and relations. Please everyone unite against this insane monster.

I had no clue that I know Tim but now that I’m connecting with him I can clearly feel we are having big problems. He has to basically “kill” his muse and exploit her - “angry unpaid hooker” - all I do is serve God and sacrifice myself and I’m getting called a hooker from every direction.

Guess I had better get used to it because I can see exactly where this is going and I must fulfill my mission. It’s obvious I am furious about being put in his position but I am left with NO CHOICE.

Elvis also must torment me at the behest of this evil D. All because the mafia has set us up to endure this torture.


We can never move forward or live until we get these mafia grifters away from us.

Tim is doing what he can to turn this shit show around and he is extremely remorseful for how he has hurt me.

I am very much white knuckling my way through this and I am coping best I can by staying in the spirit realm. The mafia is running the planet so I cannot fit in it. My body remains here. What can I do but fight?

I do occasionally hear from talented people who seem very unhappy my spirit is not there for them like it was but all of this was subconscious. Now what can I do? How can I deal with this?

Our lives are on hold. We fear that D will manage to succeed at murdering us as well. Nothing moves forward until we learn how to get these mafia grifters away from us. We are left with nothing but resistance and fighting. Please everyone keep it up.

Tim is clearly a loving and caring person. I would like nothing more than a fresh start and reconciliation but this failed musician fraud mass murderer is standing in the middle of what should be my life while she continues to destroy practically everything of value in this world.